Health benefits

Why a Salt Room/Grotto?

What Benefits does it produce?

The ancient Greeks already knew the positive effect of salt on the respiratory tract.

Hippocrates recommended the inhalation of salt water vapors in cases of inflammation of the respiratory tract

Fast forward to 1843, when a Polish physician, realizing that among miners the rate of lung disease, which was widespread at the time, was much lower than among the rest of the population, related his analysis to the beneficial effects of Salt.

Thus we come to our own time, with the spread throughout Europe, especially in the North and East, of Salt Caves.

Sale Himalaya - Cabine
Benefici sale Himalaya per la respirazione

The respiratory tract

(Allergies, coughs, asthma, bronchitis, discomforts related to smoking and urban pollution, …)

Benefici sistema cutaneo del sale dell'Himalaya

The skin system

(Acne, Irritations, skin impurities, …)

Benefici - Benessere riposo

The well-being

in General, WELLNESS BEAUTY (Stress, Insomnia, Sleep Apnea, Relaxation, Toxin Elimination, …)

There are also CONTRAINDICATIONS that refer generally to certain organic dysfunctions suffered, existing, or hypothesized. Therefore, prior evaluation by the attending physician is necessary.

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